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MFA Soirée 2019

This year’s MFAs and company gathered on August 23rd for our annual MFA Soirée. Glenn Taylor, our Director of Creative Writing, hosted and provided the good food and tunes. We talked shop, played backyard games, and even managed to assemble the squad for a group photo before dark. 

Some of our beloved professors and alumni are gathered in the left corner of the photo. Most of this year’s cohort fill the rest of the frame. The new group are such a talented bunch and we’re excited about the work they’ll do here.

MFAs and Professors at the MFA SoiréeWe feel hopeful about the writing we’ll contribute this year and thankful for the community we have in this group. At times like these, we can’t help but honor the great Toni Morrison and her contribution to this world. We’ll close with her enduring words.

“A writer’s life and work are not a gift to mankind; they are its necessity.” – Toni Morrison