(Above: December 2024 MFA@123)
In between drafting pieces for workshop classes, studying literature, submitting papers, and conducting research, among all the other goings-on of a busy and enriching academic semester, the creative writing program’s monthly MFA@123 reading events were a time where our talented writers could come together and celebrate the reason why we’re each studying at WVU: to lose ourselves in our writing.
This semester, more than ever before, our undergraduate and graduate creative writing community came together each month in a full-house and were unabashed in sharing their work in the lower bar of 123 Pleasant Street, to the hopefully surprised delight of 123’s regular patrons. Our talented writers in the creative writing program entertained and shocked the crowds with their electric readings, and you can take a look at some of the photos below that were taken at MFA@123 this semester, including our now-iconic Breakfast Club Halloween group-photo. (see below)
(From Left to Right: Allison Reynolds (Oliver Brown, 2nd year Creative Nonfiction writer), Brian Johnson (Ben Clabault, 3rd year Fiction writer), John Bender (Camille Gazoul, 2nd year Fiction writer), Andrew Clark (Brent Cronin, 3rd year Creative Nonfiction writer), and Claire Standish (Ella Wisniewski, 2nd year Poet).
If you missed out on any MFA@123 events this semester, be sure to drop by in 2025! These monthly open-mic reading events usually take place on the last Tuesday of each month, starting at 7pm in the lower bar at 123 Pleasant Street. Once MFA students are finished reading, the mic is open to undergraduate writers, as well as any writer in the Morgantown community!
(August 2024 MFA@123)
(Camille Gazoul, 2nd year Fiction writer)
(Sanchita Sahoo, 1st year Fiction writer)
(September 2024 MFA@123)
(Pilar Randolph, 3rd year Poet)
(MJ O'Brien, 1st year Poet)
(October 2024 MFA@123)
(Elise Zukowski, 3rd year Fiction writer)
(Winner Olubunmi, 2nd year Poet)
(November 2024 MFA@123)
(Kelly Keel, 1st year Creative Nonfiction writer)
(Andy Kerstetter, 1st year Poet)
(Reagan Twelve, 2nd year Creative Nonfiction writer)
(Jane-Marie Auret, 1st year Creative Nonfiction writer)
(Hayden Bradley, senior English major)
(Ella Wisniewski, 2nd year Poet)
Make sure to follow us on Instagram @wvucreativewriting to stay in the loop with other news, photos, and events!