A first-generation student, who has devoted much of her college career to help connect disadvantaged students with educational resources, she is also WVU’s 2020 Newman Civic Fellow and serves as the speaker chair of TedxWVU and editor for Calliope.
A two-term senator-at-large, she reports her involvement in SGA has been one of the most rewarding experiences during her undergraduate career. During her involvement, she has collaborated with units across the University to improve first-year student retention, worked with the WVU Faculty Senate to address college affordability and led an initiative to encourage at-risk youth in West Virginia to pursue higher education by sending them branded care packages.
A student in the Honors Experiential and Engaged Learning Program, she studied the work of German author and playwright Marieluise Fleisser. Unable to travel to Germany to study her work amid the pandemic, she pivoted and served as an intern with MT Pockets Community Theatre where she cast local community members and WVU theater students to perform Fleisser’s Pioneers in Ingolstad in translation, a play that gave voice to underrepresented communities during the Weimar Republic.
Serving as an AmeriCorps VISTA has enabled her to channel her passion to serve others by guiding more than 10 social action initiatives to extend the Social Action Clinic’s reach across campus.
Jones has also had the opportunity to study abroad in Rome and Florence, Italy, during her freshman year at WVU.
After graduation, she will pursue her master’s degree in English education at Columbia University.