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Department of English
Department of English
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Fall 2013
Fall 2013
English 101-Introduction to Composition and Rhetoric-Georgi
English 101-Introducation to Composition and Rhetoric-Gracy
English 101-Introduction to Composition and Rhetoric-Hubbard
English 101-Introduction to Composition and Rhetoric-Raker
English 101-Introduction to Composition and Rhetoric-Szekely
English 101-Introduction to Composition and Rhetoric-Tolliver
English 101-Introduction to Composition and Rhetoric-Turner
English 101-Introduction to Composition and Rhetoric-Wilson
English 102-Composition, Rhetoric, and Research-Barron
English 102-Composition, Rhetoric, and Research-Bruno
English 102-Composition, Rhetoric, and Research-Sandin
English 102-Composition, Rhetoric, and Research-Weihl
English 131-Poetry and Drama-Ryan
English 131-Poetry and Drama-Zapkin
English 200-Foundations of Literary Study-Farina
English 213-Creative Writing-Seymour
English 226-Non-Western World Literature-Farina
English 258-Popular American Culture-Bruno
English 258-Popular American Culture-Davis
English 261-British Literature-Francus
English 262-British Literature 2-Barron
English 263-Shakespeare-Duckert
English 263-Shakespeare-Neville
English 303-Multimedia Writing-Jones
English 304-Business and Professional Writing-Deaton
English 305-Technical Writing-Kirby
English 305-Technical Writing-Roy
English 331-Topics in Genre-Neville
English 383-Introduction to Cultural Studies-Allen
English 405-Fiction for Adolescents-Almasy
English 418-Creative Writing Seminar-Brazaitis
English 496-Senior Thesis-Ryan
English 601-Introduction to Rhetoric and Composition-Sura
English 618A-Fiction Writing Workshop-Brazaitis
English 632-Studies in Poetry-Baldwin
English 635-The British Novel-Francus
English 682-Recent Literary Criticism-Allen
English 764-Seminar In Renaissance Studies-Duckert