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Department of English
Department of English
Department of English
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Fall 2015
Fall 2015
English 101-Intro to Composition and Rhetoric-Berkowitz
English 101-Intro to Composition and Rhetoric-Buongiorno
English 101-Intro to Composition and Rhetoric-Homer
English 101-Intro to Composition and Rhetoric-Izaguirre
English 101-Intro to Composition and Rhetoric-Jeffers
English 101-Intro to Composition and Rhetoric-LaFramboise
English 101-Intro to Composition and Rhetoric-McAtee
English 101-Intro to Composition and Rhetoric-Montague
English 101-Intro to Composition and Rhetoric-Stout
English 101-Intro to Composition and Rhetoric-Urban
English 101-Into to Composition and Rhetoric-Welker
English 102-Composition, Rhetoric, and Research-Beach
English 102-Composition, Rhetoric, and Research-Jenkins
English 102-Composition, Rhetoric, and Research-Zapkin
English 102-7D1-Composition, Rhetoric, and Research-Beach
English 131-Poetry and Drama-Hoag
English 131-Poetry and Drama-Hoffmann
English 132-Short Story and Novel-Opoku-Agyemang
English 132-Poetry-Smith
English 200-Foundations of Literary Study-Claycomb
English 215-The English Language-Smith
English 232-Poetry-Komisaruk
English 242-American Literature-Germana
English 251-American Folklore and Culture-Hathaway
English 257-Science Fiction and Fantasy-Zapkin
English 258-Popular American Culture-Roy
English 258-Popular American Culture-Yeager
English 261-British Literature-Hoffmann
English 262-British Literature 2-Komisaruk
English 305-Technical Writing-Jones
English 309-Approaches to Teaching Composition-Hathaway
English 338W-Environmental Criticism-Duckert
English 346W-American Literature-Germana